Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Our First Contest

I promised you this would be an easy one and it is. Once you've confirmed your pal's address, leave a comment here on this post. See? Couldn't get any easier than that.

Everyone who has posted the comment by June 20th will have their name placed in a drawing to win - well - not sure just 'what' yet but it will be cool! I promise.

Have fun knitting, crocheting or sewing your notions bag!! I've already started mine, I'm excited to see it completed but it's going to take a bit as the stitch is quite small but compact.

Okay, now I have to do my real job. Bye!


Kathleen said...

Hi Patty!

This is going to be FUN! I think I'll knit my bag so am going yarn shopping today, can't wait to get started! Just sent you my spoilee's info as I have it. Take care, hope the job settles down a bit soon!! :O)

Unknown said...

Just sent my spoilee an email! I am so looking forward to seeing what others will be making for their pals!

Anonymous said...

I have sent and recieved email from my spoilee. Still need to decide what method of construction I am going to use for the bag, check the yarn and fabric stash, and then decide if I need to go shopping!

LeslieJ said...

Received confirmation of my spoilee's address, we are good to go....just need a pattern and I can start knitting

Woven Spun said...

Sent my spoilee and email, she let me know her info is correct. Hope to get everything made up this weekend. Woo hoo.

Anonymous said...

I have sent an email to my spoilee..looking for a pattern now..

knitphomaniac said...

I just wrote my spoilee, to confirm her mailing address... her package is ready to go, and I'll have it mailed this saturday! (Yes, I'm actually bragging that I have things done not only on time, but early!)

Kathleen said...

Wow, knitphomaniac!! I picked up my magnet today and thought I was doing well!! LOL

Guinifer said...

Hey, I was a good girl! Count me in.

Sharon said...

Just sent my spolier and spoilee an email - yay!

Stephanie said...

Yay! I've chatted with both my upstream and downstream pals (lovely ladies, both). I'll be stash diving and pattern hunting this weekend so that I can get started on my super secret pal's notions bag. :)

Anonymous said...

I have confirmed my pal's address as well!! :) Now to just pick the perfect fabric.... *wink*

Montreal Mama said...

I'm confirming, but read your email.

Antoinette said...

I sent my spoilee a note, and heard from my spoiler! :)

Anonymous said...

Hello! I've contacted my secret swap pal to confirm her address and await a thumbs up. Love Stephanie's idea of upstream and downstream. Cannot believe someone's already done and ready for the post office! Wow!